Sunday, May 24, 2015



For art we sketched the thing that we wanted to sketch. I sketched a feather and a branch with leaves.

After sketching we started mixing with paint. Then just made a picture with the colour that we made. We learnt primary colours too.

Then we try dry on dry, wet on dry, wet on wet and lot's more.We used dye and water.

Next we studied about Grahame Sydney. Then we started painting our own. I painted a mountain at night.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My T-shirt Poem

My t-shirt Poem

My t-shirt is from awesome Motat.

Riding the huge long tram.

Eating icy,cold lemonade ice-cream happily.

Watching the colorful birds fly by the blooming trees.

Playing in the huge,fun playground.

I had an amazing holiday!

By Catherine

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

First aid 2015

First aid

Today we did first aid with Nikoli. We learnt

Danger : see if dangerous things are around you.

Response : shake shoulder and say can you hear me?

Send for help: call 111 for ambulance

Airway : check their airway

Breathing : hear,feel and see if breathing


We even learnt bee stings, minor wound, burns and cuts and bleeding.

Hypothermia: mumble,stumble,grumble,dry, 
warm,high energy food,rest and shelter.

burn stroke:something that a person can get in a hot day. Cool,water,rest, shelter.